Tuesday 29th September 2009: Hello everyone,
The Industry paper Variety reports that a private memorial will be held for Patrick on Sunday 4th October 2009. Please click here to read more. Please donate if you can to The Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund at the Stanford Cancer Center - please click here to visit their website donating page.
On Sunday, wherever you are in the world, please think of Patrick for a moment and remember the joy he brought to the world through his performances and his smile. Light a candle or say a prayer or hug someone close to you. Remember Patrick and please also think of Lisa and the family at this difficult time, thank you.
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 23rd September 2009: Hello everyone,
More information from Stanford on how to donate to the Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund. The administrative staff will be adding the appropriate option to their giving page shortly, but meantime, here is what you should choose when on the giving page at:
For now, online givers should choose "Stanford Medical Center" in the
first drop down selection, confirm the other two drop down selections on
that page, and then click continue. On the next page donors should choose"School of Medicine - Other" in the drop down selection and specify in the
description box below that the donation is for "The Patrick Swayze
Pancreas Cancer Research Fund at the Stanford Cancer Center."
All major credit cards are accepted - Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and
Discover. At this time donations cannot be made using
We will continue to post information as it is sent to us. Please support the Research Fund if you can, thank you.
In friendship, Margaret.
PS - Remember if you are ordering Patrick and Lisa's book, there is also an Audio version read by Patrick and Lisa that you can pre-order too!
Sunday 20th September 2009: Hello everyone,
Patrick's wife Lisa has contacted us with news of a Research Fund in Patrick's name. Here is Lisa's message:
"Stanford University is coalescing existing research activities on
pancreas cancer to form a Pancreas Cancer Center. This center will expedite application of emerging technologies and the development of molecular targeted therapies all focused on pancreas cancer. Of course, our wonderful Dr. George Fisher is involved with all this and setting up this fund in Patrick's name.
Checks should be made out to:
"Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund"
& sent to:
The Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund
Stanford Cancer Center
Development Office
2700 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park CA 94025 U.S.A.
650-234-0651 (phone)
650-234-0644 (fax)
Sincere thanks to Lisa for sending us this news and we back the Research Fund with all our support. Please promote the Research Fund if you can
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 15th September 2009
It is with great sadness that we heard earlier today of the passing of Patrick (on 14th September 2009). Our thoughts and love go out to his wife Lisa and all the family.
Patrick touched millions of people all over the world with his courage and strength he showed during his recent battle with pancreatic cancer. All of us here at the Official Fan Club were honoured to be able to help Patrick and Lisa over many years to pass along messages and news to fans all over the world through this website.
Patrick was truly a gentleman and a gentle man. He cared deeply about so many things and on so many different levels. He loved his craft - acting - and was so proud too of his wife Lisa whom he respected as a director and fellow artist.
Patrick's body of work was wide and varied as all his fans will know. Through his portrayal of all these characters, he has made us laugh or cry. From the "swivelling hipped" Johnny Castle of Dirty Dancing to the tear-jerking Sam Wheat of Ghost to the soul searching Max Lowe of City of Joy and of course to the ultimate Southern Gentleman, Orry Main in North and South.
Patrick and Lisa were soulmates and our hearts go out to Lisa at this difficult time.
Patrick will be greatly missed.
Tuesday 8th September 2009: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Julia has alerted us to the UK version of Patrick and Lisa's book! You can see it here. Such a stunning picture!
In friendship,
Tuesday 18th August 2009:
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Have a lovely day with Lisa and all the family! With love and best wishes from all your fans and friends.
Tuesday 4th August 2009: Hello everyone,
Lisa has written to us to confirm that the cover of their book being released by Simon and Schuster has been revealed! You can view it here. Isn't it a lovely picture!
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 22nd July 2009: Hello everyone,
Just to send you this link to a statement from Patrick and Lisa's publicist
denying the story that is in a tabloid paper this week.
Please continue to send your love, light, positive thoughts and prayers to Patrick and Lisa.
Swayze Buddy Lisa from Texas has written to tell us:
"Just wanted to let everyone know if they missed the E! True Hollywood Story on Patrick the first time, the E! channel is going to show it again on July 24th and July 26th" Thanks Lisa!
In friendship,
Monday 6th July 2009 (2): Hello everyone,
I've just had an e-mail from Lisa telling us the title of THE BOOK! It
will be entitled "The Time of My Life". You can pre-order as per our links below (from our post of 12th May 2009) to various stores,
or directly from the publishers here.
The book's reference numbers to quote when pre-ordering are:
ISBN-10: 1439158584
ISBN-13: 9781439158586
Exciting stuff and we can't wait!
In friendship,
Monday 6th July 2009: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Liz in England who tells us that the E! special will be repeated in the UK on Tuesday 7th July at 10am, then again on Sunday 12th July at 8pm, preceded by the E! True Hollywood Story: Dirty Dancing.
Thanks Liz!
In friendship, Margaret.
Friday 3rd July 2009: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Elisa from England who sent us the great news that the E! special about Patrick we mentioned in our 8th June update below, will be screened on E! Entertainment in the UK on Sunday 5th July at 8pm!
In friendship, Margaret.
Monday 8th June 2009: Hello everyone,
A new "E! True Hollywood Story" about Patrick will be aired on E! Channel on Wednesday 10th June at 10/9c. See the trailer here. Thanks to Swayze Buddy Sue
in Michigan for the "heads up"!
Also, thank you to Swayze Buddy Jan in Texas who told us that the wonderful picture of Patrick and Lisa that was released to the Press in May is printed in People Magazine. Thanks Jan!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 19th May 2009: Hello everyone,
A beautiful picture of Patrick and Lisa just taken last week can be viewed on the ET Online website here.
All our love and light is sent to you Patrick and Lisa. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photo with the world!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 12th May 2009: Hello everyone,
Good news today that Patrick and Lisa's book (as yet untitled), which will be published on 29th September 2009, can now be pre-ordered on the following websites:
We will add to the above list as more bookstores accepting pre-orders are made known to us!
Please click on the links above to be taken directly to the page for Patrick and Lisa's book on each website.
In friendship,
Thursday 7th May 2009: Hello everyone,
More on the great news about Patrick's award! Swayze Buddy Sherri from Ohio has sent us this link which gives details of
tickets for the event in November.
Thanks Sherri!
In friendship,
Wednesday 6th May 2009: Hello everyone!
Fabulous, fantastic news! Patrick will be given the Rolex Dance Award later this year on 2nd November. Click here to read more!
In the article you can read Patrick's statement: "I started as a dancer and in my heart I'll always be one. And as a dancer having made a transition to another discipline myself, I am honored to be a part of CTFD and very touched to receive this award." (CTFD is the organisation Career Transition For Dancers.)
Congratulations Patrick!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 5th May 2009: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan sent us this link of Barbara Walters talking to Larry King on CNN about her interview with Patrick and Lisa. It's about 6 minutes into the interview. Thanks Sue!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 7th April 2009: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Sue in Michigan who sent us this link to an article on the People magazine website featuring Whoopi Goldberg speaking about Patrick. Thanks Sue.
Also, Swayze Buddy Sue from Alabama let us know that the printed issue of People Magazine dated April 13th features a great photo on page 40 of Patrick and Lisa and Lisa tells more about directing one of the episodes of The Beast! Remember that episode is being screened in the U.S.A. this week on 9th April! Thanks Sue!
In friendship, Margaret.
Friday 27th March 2009: Hello everyone,
Pierce Ingle from Times Inc has written to us here at the Fan Club:
"Hi there,
Each year the TIME 100 honors the most influential people in the world, and
this year TIME.com is giving readers a chance to vote on who they think
should be on the 2009 list. I wanted to let you know that Patrick Swayze is
included on the TIME.com TIME 100 poll and you can vote for him here.
Users can rank the level of influence for each person on a scale of 1 (least
influential) to 100 (most influential). Last year, Japanese video game
designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, was voted into the number one spot. The last day
of voting is on April 28.
To cast your vote and to see the latest results on who's up-and who's
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,1883644,00.html "
Thanks for getting in touch with us Pierce. So, if you want to vote for Patrick, follow the link to the Time website here !
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 18th March 2009: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddies Sue from Michigan, Jan from Texas and Julia from Tennessee have sent us these links to reports and a video clip of Whoopi talking about a call from Patrick:
video clip from The View
report on Access Hollywood
report on Contact Music
Go Patrick!
Our love and light goes out to Patrick and Lisa as always.
In friendship,
Thursday 12th March 2009: Hello everyone,
The tabloids are at it again! We're so glad that Patrick issued a statement last evening to deny the recent reports they printed. His statement says he is still fighting his illness,
enjoying having a new puppy around, and is responding well to his new
Chemotherapy treatments - you can read what he exclusively told The People here.
In friendship,
Tuesday 10th February 2009: Hello everyone,
On Tuesday 17th February 2009 at 23.00 hrs, channel Five U.S.A. in the United Kingdom will be showing Barbara Walter's interview titled "Patrick Swayze - The Truth" in which she interviews Patrick and Lisa at their ranch. The interview will also be shown on the same channel on Wednesday 18th February at 18.00 hrs and Saturday 21st February at 18.00 hrs.
In friendship, Margaret.
Sunday 8th February 2009: Hello everyone,
Patrick is standing up to cancer with a vengeance! Read this letter he has
had published this morning in the Washington Post (thank you to Swayze Buddy Crystal in
Washington State for the link).
If you live in the United States and if you agree with Patrick, take the
advice of Stand Up To Cancer (thanks for the link to Swayze Buddy Sue in Michigan) and write
to your Senators right now to encourage the economic stimulus package to go
Do it for Patrick and those you love who may be touched by cancer.
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 5th February 2009: Hello everyone,
In connecton with the news of the book deal announced today, Patrick's publicist has confirmed to us that Patrick said,
"With everything I've been fortunate enough to do in my life, and covering such a wide range of diverse subject matters, I'm told that my story has been inspirational to people. I will write from my heart about these experiences and aside from the sheer pleasure of doing it, if people happen to garner inspiration from it, or incentive, or find a new way to love, it would be wonderful."
Congratulations to Patrick
and Lisa on the book deal - it's so exciting for them and for us!
You can read reports about the book deal here, here and here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Friday 23rd January 2009: Hello everyone,
The office of Patrick's publicist has announced the exciting news that Patrick will write a book with Lisa. The plans are at an early stage according to the statement. You can read more on this story here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 22nd January 2009: Hello everyone,
We have received a message from Stand Up to Cancer.
Thanks so much for supporting Patrick's Swayze's cause, Stand Up To Cancer,
and for including the Stand Up To Cancer banner on your website. I wanted to
let you know that a star has been created in Patrick's name on the Stand Up
To Cancer website. You can view it here:
It costs only $1 to launch a star in someone's honor, and all proceeds go
toward cancer research to find a cure.
Thanks again for supporting Stand Up To Cancer!
So we encourage anyone who wants to, light up the sky with stars for Patrick! It's for a good cause!
We have sold all our calendars and we are in the process of submitting our donation to the Pancreatic Cancer Network. We will publish their acknowledgement here for your information. Thank you, thank you sincerely to everyone who bought one of our calendars which is enabling us to send a fantastic $832 to PanCan. Thank you!
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 15th January 2009: Hello everyone,
The great news is that Patrick is back home again. His publicist has confirmed to People magazine and you can read their article here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 15th January 2009: Hello everyone,
A little bit more from the People feature about Patrick and Lisa while they were filming "The Beast" in Chicago. Check it out here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 14th January 2009: Hello everyone,
Patrick has been talking to People Magazine and they are showing a sneak peek at their feature on their website here. Great to hear he's doing fine!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 13th January 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick's mother Patsy has spoken to US Magazine about how Patrick is "doing fine" and Warner Brothers has also written to tell us about their story:
"Travis Fimmell THE BEAST star talks about his co-star Patrick Swayze and gives EXTRA an update on the actor since he checked himself in the hospital last week. For more on this story, click on: http://extratv.warnerbros.com/2009/01/swayze_doing_fine.php"
You can also read the US Magazine feature here.
Swayze Buddy Sue from Alabama has asked us to remind you all that the DVD of the Barbara Walters interview is Region 1 and you should check that you can play Region 1 DVDs before you order it. Thanks Sue!
In friendship, Margaret.
Saturday 10th January 2009 (2): Hello everyone,
We have been given a message from Lisa who says that Patrick is being well cared for in hospital. She says that he is being treated for pneumonia and Lisa says Patrick is doing well.
We send all our love, light and prayers for both Patrick and Lisa at this anxious time. Please get well soon Patrick.
In friendship,
Saturday 10th January 2009: Hello everyone,
Most of you will have read the news wires online that are printing reports about Patrick being under observation in
hospital. The news was announced yesterday by the President of A&E at the publicity
conference for "The Beast" in Los Angeles. You can read more about it here.
Let's all hope and pray for Patrick to feel better soon. We have no further update for you at the moment, but if we hear more,
we'll pass it along. Please continue to send positive thoughts, prayers, love and light to Patrick and Lisa.
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 8th January 2009: Hello everyone,
ABC have been in touch again with this update:
If you to this page - http://abcnews.go.com/2020 - there is a section in the middle which says "recently on 20/20" and there is a section that says Barbara Walters Special and the 5 acts of our show are listed there under separate headlines. That's the entire hour - under separate acts.
I'm told that it will be in the full abc.com player by the end of the day...
Thank you to ABC News 20/20 for keeping us up to date.
Swayze Buddy Casey from Texas, U.S.A. has also been in touch to say:
"The whole interview is posted on YOUTUBE too.
I thought you might want to know this in case anyone is having a hard
time viewing it."
Thanks Casey!
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 7th January 2009: Hello everyone,
We've heard back from those lovely people at ABC again! They have been able to give us the following further details of the availability of the show. Some of you may be aware that on some free episode websites, they are only available to those within the U.S.A., however we've been assured by ABC, as you will read in the following e-mail, that the ABC News 20/20 website will have the interview available internationally. Here is the further information that ABC News 20/20 sent to us:
The full show will be available at www.abc.com (under Free Episodes, ABC News Specials) by the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday 8th January).
It will be up on ABCNews.com on the 20/20 page by tomorrow morning (Thursday 8th January), ET (there's no hard time; just depends on how long it takes to process overnight)
You can check http://abcnews.go.com/2020. I'm told it's definitely accessible internationally on our site.
.... you can purchase the DVD now (orders in advance) There's a big ad for it here: http://abcnewsstore.go.com/
Thank you sincerely again to ABC News 20/20 for all the information, it's much appreciated.
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 6th January 2009: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan has been helping us to find out more information about where you can see Barbara Walters' interview with Patrick and Lisa. Here is what ABC News 20/20 have kindly sent to us for your information.
The Barbara Walters Special: Patrick Swayze: The Truth, January 7th, 10pm, ET.
Here is a link to our dotcom article that you link to from your site, or send out to your members:
The special will be for sale on DVD after it airs in the ABC News Store. It will also be available to view the day after we air on ABC.com (in the full episode player section). (ABC will send us the links for this once the show has aired)
We broadcast simultaneously in: Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama. And we air in the following countries, but not simultaneously: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Middle East, North Africa,
Thanks for contacting us. We hope you'll like the hour.
Grateful thanks to ABC News 20/20 for all this information and for the invaluable help of Sue in Michigan - thanks Sue! We will post the link to the interview on the ABC.com website when we have it available.
In friendship, Margaret.
Monday 5th January 2009: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Casey from Texas, U.S.A. has told us that the ladies on "The View" on ABC television in the States talked today about the upcoming interview with Barbara Walters. You can see the clip from The View here.
Thanks Casey!
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 31st December 2008: Hello everyone,
ABC has Barbara Walters' interview with Patrick and Lisa scheduled for next Wednesday 7th January 2009 but be sure to check your own local tv schedules for your area. Read more about it here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 24th December 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan has been in touch about the People Magazine December 29th issue. Sue says there is a great half-page picture of Patrick, Lisa, and Barbara Walters at Patrick and Lisa's Ranch.
Sue says in the same issue, there is a one page ad for The Beast with a great picture of Patrick and Travis Fimmel.
Swayze Buddy Sue from Alabama has sent us a link to the ad for Patrick's interview with Barbara Walters: Thanks Sue!
Swayze Buddy Simone from Germany sent us this link to great photos taken of Patrick and Lisa at the time of their interview with Barbara Walters. Thanks Simone!
In friendship,
Tuesday 16th December 2008: Hello everyone,
The ABC website is showing the air date for Patrick's interview with Barbara Walters as being on January 9th, however this article here is quoting January 7th. Thank you to Swayze Buddies Sue from Michigan, Barbara from England and Julia from Tennessee for alerting us to these conflicting reports.We will try to confirm which is the correct date for you all.
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 2nd December 2008: Hello everyone (again!)
ABC have just announced (here) that Patrick and Lisa will be interviewed by Barbara Walters and the show will be aired in January 2009! Isn't that fantastic! Can't wait to see it!
In friendship, Margaret
Tuesday 2nd December 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick has issue an exclusive statement in the People magazine here. It's wonderful to know that, just like Lisa said in her message to us from Saturday printed below, that Patrick is doing great!
Thank you sincerely from all of us here as well at the Official Fan Club to all of you who continue to send your positive thoughts, prayers and support to Patrick and Lisa at this anxious time. You do make a difference, thank you!
In friendship, Margaret
Saturday 29th November 2008: Hello everyone,
The Official Fan Club has received a lovely message from Patrick's wife, Lisa. She is happy to say that Patrick is NOT saying goodbye to anyone just yet!! Patrick is still considered to have a minimal amount of disease and Lisa urges everyone not to believe what is printed in the less responsible press.
Lisa says: "Thank you and everyone for caring. As it's been said before, we believe all good and positive thoughts and prayers make a difference. God knows we need that positivity to battle the horribly negative reporting that can happen out there!"
So please continue to send all your love, light, positive thoughts and prayers to Patrick and Lisa. They do make a difference!
In friendship,
Wednesday 26th November 2008: Hello everyone!
Check out this video of Patrick and Lisa at the wrap party for "The Beast" held on Sunday! Thanks to Swayze Buddy Sandra for the alert.
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 20th November 2008: Hello everyone!
Swayze Buddy Diane from Canada has let us know that Patrick will be on Access Hollywood at 6pm this evening in a feature on "The Beast". Thanks Diane!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 18th November 2008: Hello everyone,
Two great articles this morning in the Chicago Tribune featuring interviews with Patrick on the set of "The Beast" in Chicago - check them out here and here.
Go get 'em Patrick!
In friendship,
Sunday 2nd November 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddies Julia from Tennessee and Sue from Alabama sent us this information:
"You can buy an issue of the Oct. 29th issue of the New York Times if you would like to add Patrick's interview to your collection. I do not know if they ship out of the United States. The cost is $5.75 regular shipping, and $8.45 for express shipping. The phone number is 1-800-698-4637. " Thanks ladies!
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 30th October 2008: Hello everyone,
More on that interview that we mention below - thank you to Swayze Buddies Julia and Sue from Michigan who have sent us this link from Access Hollywood to a video reporting Patrick's positive attitude to his illness - go Patrick!
It's wonderful to see that everyone else in the Press is discovering what we fans have known for years - Patrick is a great guy! Thank you to all of you who continue to send your love, support and prayers to Patrick and Lisa, it really does mean a lot to them both.
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 29th October 2008: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddies Paula, Jan, Julia, Crystal and Sue from Michigan
who told us about this great article in the New York Times this morning
featuring quotes from Patrick and his work on "The Beast".
Thanks also to Swayze Buddies Rebecca and Paula in England for this link to
a sighting of Patrick out and about in Chicago.
In friendship,
Friday 24th October 2008: Hello everyone,
We have heard directly the good news that Patrick is doing fine. He continues to enjoy working on the The Beast and thanks go to everyone for their continued support, love and prayers.
In friendship, Margaret.
Monday 22nd September 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Crystal from Washington State, USA sent us the information alert from Yahoo! that Patrick continues to work hard on the set of The Beast in Chicago. They are creating an episode each working week and hope to have 11 episodes finished by Thanksgiving in November according to the Film Director Rich Moskal. Last week they were filming along the Calumet River.
Our love, prayers and best wishes go as always to Patrick and Lisa.
In friendship,
Sunday 14th September 2008: Hello everyone,
Thank you to the many Swayze Buddies and Pals who sent us links to photos, reports and the video of Patrick at the Stand Up To Cancer Fundraising Event held in Los Angeles last weekend. Here's a selection of some of the items about the event you can find on the internet.
Contact Music
Hello Magazine (photo)
Hello Magazine (article)
People Magazine
BBC news
ET Online
Getty Images
You can check out more photos of the event on the Stand Up To Cancer website and watch the entire show on their website by streaming video here.
Thank you also to Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan who has alerted us to an article in the People Magazine of 22nd September which includes a big picture of Patrick and Lisa.
In friendship,
Thursday 21st August 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddies Paula from England, Crystal from Washington State and Sue from Michigan in the USA have alerted us to this great article and video of Patrick and Lisa on Patrick's birthday. Thanks ladies!
and Swayze Buddy Rebecca from England sent us this link to some lovely photos of Patrick and Lisa in Chicago
Swayze Buddy Julia from Tennessee USA sent us this link to another nice article about Patrick.
Thank you to everyone!
In friendship, Margaret
Tuesday 19th August 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Rebecca from England has sent us this link to great photos of Patrick celebrating his birthday with Lisa on the set of "The Beast" in Chicago. Thanks Rebecca!
In friendship, Margaret.
#2 Wednesday 30th July 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Julia from Tennessee, USA alerted us to this new video of Patrick on the set of "The Beast" in Chicago - looking good Patrick!
In friendship,
Wednesday 30th July 2008: Hello everyone,
More links to great pictures of Patrick on the set of "The Beast" in Chicago courtesy of Swayze Buddy Paula in Engand. Thanks Paula!
The Telegraph
The Mirror
New York Daily News
and from Swayze Buddy Rebecca in England these links to more great photos here and here!
Thank you Rebecca!
and from Swayze Buddy Julia in Tennesse USA:
Thanks Julia!
You're looking great Patrick!
In friendship, Margaret.
Tuesday 29th July 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick is hard at work on the set of "The Beast"! Check out more reports and photos! Paula from England, Crystal from Washington State, USA and Sharon have all been in touch with alerts to these reports and photos of Patrick and Lisa - enjoy them all!
TMZ (you need to scroll down the page on the TMZ site)
Celebrity Gossip
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Thanks to all of you!
Many thanks too to everyone of you who continue to send your wonderful messages of love and support for Patrick and Lisa!
In friendship,
Monday 28th July 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Rebecca from England wrote about some great pictures from the set of "The Beast" in Chicago! Thanks Rebecca. You can see the photos here.
Swayze Buddy Julia from Tennessee, USA wrote: "I found this site for Patrick's new series, check it out -thought the fans would like it. Tells a lot about the show." Visit the page here. Thanks Julia!
In friendship,
Tuesday 22nd July 2008: Hello everyone,
More feedback on Patrick's trip to Chicago - Swayze Buddy Julia from Tennessee has sent us this link to more quotes from Patrick himself! Thanks Julia!
In friendship, Margaret.
# 2 Monday 21st July 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy Lesley has sent us this link to a nice video of Patrick at the airport - thanks Lesley!
In friendship, Margaret.
Monday 21st July 2008: Hello everyone,
Great pictures and reports of Patrick on his way to film "The Beast"! Isn't he great! Thank you to Swayze Buddy Rebecca in England for alerting us to the reports here and here.
In friendship, Margaret.
Friday 20th June 2008: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan, USA has alerted us to an article in the Globe magazine which includes some quotes from Patrick as follows:
"Patrick Swayze has been battling deadly pancreatic cancer but he tells GLOBE in a world exclusive interview:"My treatments are working and I'm winning the battle".
The article continues: "..... he says he's packing on the pounds and feeling great. In fact, the only pain he is experiencing is from having a tooth puilled by a dentist."
Then Patrick tells the Globe he and Lisa are eating healthy: "We're juicing every day, along with my other treatments" he tells GLOBE. "And all I can say is - it's working". Meanwhile, Swayze is filled with hope. "I'm in great condition...I'm a cowboy. I'm a dancer. I'll beat this". copyright The Globe.
Thanks Sue - we're with you all the way Patrick!!
Thank you also to Swayze Buddies Julia from Tennessee, and Jan from Texas, USA who have told us that there is also a story on Patrick in the OK weekly, June 23rd and US weekly June 25th with some great photos.
Swayze Buddy Elisa from England has told us: "I wanted to let you know that Patrick is in this weeks ok magazine (UK) there are three pics on two pages and an article one picture of himself with Lisa and two of him."
Thanks Elisa!
Thank you so much to all of you too for your continued support and fantastic messages on the guestbook - your messages of love and light have touched Patrick and Lisa very much - thank you!
In friendship, Margaret.
Sunday 15th June 2008: Hello everyone!
Swayze Buddy Rebecca from England has sent us this link to a nice video about Patrick's return to work.
Thanks Rebecca!
Also, Swayze Buddy Liz from England sent us this link to an article on the People website featuring Patrick's co-stars in "The Beast".
Thank you Liz!
Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan tells us that there is a one-page article in the People magazine of June 23rd entitled "Patrick Swayze Back to Work" and it includes several pictures including a picture on the cover - thanks Sue!
Our news page for "The Beast" coming soon!
In friendship, Margaret.
Saturday 7th June 2008: Hello everyone,
We've just picked up this report from the New York Times about Patrick's pilot and TV series "The Beast" - fantastic news!!!
In friendship,
Wednesday 28th May 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick has spoken to People magazine to tell them that he is doing fine - read the article here.
Also, thank to you Swayze Buddy Claire who sent us the link to a similar BBC report here.
Fantastic news that he continues to respond well to treatment!
All of your wonderful messages of support and best wishes have completely filled up the allocation of our guestbook - 10,000 messages!!! But don't worry, we are not losing any and you can keep posting! Although older messages will start to "drop off" from the very beginning of the guestbook, we have already archived the entire guestbook a couple of days ago, in order that we can post all the archived pages of the guestbook on the website. We are arranging that at the moment and the archived pages will appear in the next week or so.
Thank you to every one of you for your good wishes and positive thoughts that you have posted to Patrick and Lisa on our guestbook. They mean a lot to them, so keep them coming - you have another 10,000 spaces to fill!
In friendship,
Monday 26th May 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick and Lisa were out and about on Friday enjoying an LA Lakers game - check out the pictures of Patrick meeting Paula Abdul on the TMZ page - thanks to all you Swayze Buddies and Pals who told us about these pictures.
Swayze Buddy Paula also alerted us to a nice video here of them arriving at the game - thanks Paula!
In friendship, Margaret.
Thursday 22nd May 2008: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddies Jan in Texas, Sue in Georgia and Paula in England for sending news of reports and the latest photo on the internet of Patrick. Check out the report here.
Once again, thank you to all of you for your wonderful words of support and love that you have sent to Patrick and Lisa. Keep them coming. You are all fantastic and your messages mean so much to them!
In friendship,
Thursday 10th April 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick and Lisa have thanked all of you through
People magazine for your prayers and continued flow of love and wonderful
support - check out the report on the People website.
Please keep sending your supportive messages, prayers and best wishes - like I said before, it means a whole lot to Patrick and Lisa - you are making a difference!
In friendship, Margaret
Thursday 27th March 2008: Hello everyone,
Just a short note to thank you for all your warm messages and get well wishes for Patrick. Please continue to send your cards and well wishes to the WKTPR address below, and sign our guestbook. Your messages of love and support mean a lot to Patrick and Lisa, so keep sending them in!
In friendship,
Friday 14th March 2008: Hello everyone,
Patrick has been in contact with us here at the Fan Club to tell us how much
your love and support means to him. He says the outpouring of love you have
all sent has blown him away and he is truly touched by your support.
Patrick says that he is under the care of the best possible team and
receiving cutting edge treatment and very positive results so far. He is
keeping focused, positive and says he will beat this! Patrick hopes to be
back at work in June! Get well soon Patrick!
Please keep sending your prayers of support and encouragement, messages to
our guestbook and get well cards to the WKTPR address on this page and the
front page of the website. Thank you sincerely again for all your wonderful
messages of support, love and caring for Patrick and Lisa. You are making a
In friendship,
Monday 10th March 2008: Hello everyone,
All your prayers, thoughts and positive messages in support of Patrick are wonderful, thank you so much for sending them to Patrick through the fan club and for signing our guestbook. Keep them coming at us! Remember you can send get well cards and messages of support to Patrick through the WKTPR address in the news item of 7th March on this page.
Swayze Buddy Paula has told us that The Prayer Circle now has over 500 Prayer Buddies from all over the world who are praying for Patrick and Lisa. It is no longer necessary to pledge to pray at a particular time, unless it is important to you to do that. Just pledging to pray for Patrick will make you a Prayer Buddy. Paula now has a Private List as well for those who prefer not to have their name circulated among the other members of the Prayer Circle. Paula is working hard to get the Prayer Lists out to everyone who has joined, so please be patient if you do not receive the Prayer Lists immediately. Thank you! And thank you Paula!
In friendship, Margaret.
Saturday 8th March 2008: Hello everyone,
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Simone from Germany who has opened up a Prayer book for German fans. The address to the prayer book is:
The address for Karen's Facebook page we told you about in the previous news item is:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8411444157&ref=mf Thank you again Karen.
The One Last Dance website is now up and running again. Visit it at:
http://www.onelastdancemovie.com to share with Patrick and Lisa the beauty of their dance film.
Once again thank you to everyone who has signed our guestbook or written to the fan club with wonderful messages of support for Patrick and for Lisa too. You are all sending a fantastic wave of positive energy to them!
In friendship, Margaret.
Friday 7th March 2008: Hello everyone,
I have been in touch with Patrick's publicist and she has agreed that their
office address should be used for anyone who would like to send a card or a
message of support to Patrick. Their address is:
WKT Public Relations
335 North Maple Drive
Suite # 351
Beverly Hills
CA 90210
U. S. A.
Grateful thanks to them for their help. They will forward cards and
messages to Patrick.
Swayze Pal Karen from England has opened up a Facebook page for fans who
want to offer prayers for Patrick and Lisa. The page is called "Send Your
Prayers For Patrick Swayze". Website address to follow. Thank you Karen.
Swayze Buddy Crystal has sent us this address to assist those of you who
would like to learn more about pancreatic cancer.
Thanks Crystal.
Swayze Buddy Sue from Michigan has suggested that you might want to support
an event happening on 11th March. Sue said: "there is an action day
planned for March 11 in Washington - Pancreatic Cancer Action Network - are
going to testify to request more funding for pancreatic cancer. You can read
more about the event here. Support this action day if you can. Thank you Sue.
Thank you to Swayze Buddy Julia from Tennessee in the United States who has
alerted us to problems with the website for Patrick and Lisa's movie One
Last Dance. We are working with Patrick and Lisa's staff to try and restore
the website, meantime if you wish to order the DVD, soundtrack cd or
posters, you can still do so on the order site here.
I also wanted to send my sincere thanks to everyone who has so far posted a
message on our guestbook or e-mailed the fan club with your wonderful
messages of support for Patrick and also Lisa at this difficult time. Your
love and caring shine through. If you have problems posting on the guestbook if it's too busy, please keep trying as your messages are important to Patrick.
In friendship, Margaret.
Wednesday 5th March 2008: Hello everyone,
Swayze Buddy, Paula Blake Gellis has started a prayer circle for Patrick called Patrick's Prayer Buddies. If you are able to commit to praying for Patrick at a particular time every day, please email Paula with your name, where you live (e.g New York, USA), your email address and the time of day or night that you would be willing to pray for him. Paula will send you a copy of the prayer rota so that you can see who else is praying for Patrick and when. Regular updates will also be sent to you. (Your email address will be kept private and will not be included on the rota).
Because Patrick has fans all over the world, on different time zones, Paula hopes there will be many Prayer Buddies praying for him within each hour, every single day. Paula's email address is: PrayerBuddies@thecatnip.fsnet.co.uk
Wednesday 5th March 2008: Hello everyone,
We have received the official statement from Patrick's publicist, which follows.
Statement from Patrick Swayze's Representatives:
"WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5TH: (Los Angeles): "Actor Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Patrick's physician Dr. George Fisher states, "Patrick has a very limited amount of disease and he appears to be responding well to treatment thus far. All of the reports stating the timeframe of his prognosis and his physical side effects are absolutely untrue. We are considerably more optimistic." Patrick is continuing his normal schedule during this time, which includes working on upcoming projects. The outpouring of support and concern he has already received from the public is deeply appreciated by Patrick and his family."
We at the Fan Club send all our best wishes and positive thoughts to Patrick and Lisa at this difficult time. Get well soon Patrick!
Thank you to everyone who has sent fantastic messages of support to Patrick through the Fan Club and for all the lovely messages on our guestbook.
In friendship, Margaret. |