Movies |
"Sergeant Jim Lance"
(2000) 1 hour 53 minutes
Director: Timothy Linh Bui
Cast: Patrick Swayze (Sgt. Jim Lance), Forest Whitaker (Addie), Don Duong (Tai Tran), Hiep Thi Le (Thuy Hoa), Trung Hieu Nguyen (Minh Pham).
This is the story of two young Vietnamese children, who arrive with their uncle in the unfamiliar world of Camp Pendleton,
an orientation camp for refugees in California, after fleeing the aftermath of the war in 1975's Vietnam.
Patrick's character is Sgt. Jim Lance who is in charge of settling all of the refugees into the camp. The plight of the
refugees and their families touches the heart of the Sgt and though maintaining authority in the camp, he tries to help
them as much as he can with compassion.
Official Movie site: http://www.greendragonmovie.com
Our thanks go to David Bowers and to Silver Nitrate Entertainment for kindly supplying the Official Fan Club with the
Production Notes and Photos from Green Dragon.
Photos by Peter Stone